Saturday, January 25, 2014

Secret Women's Business

With so many people to meet, members excitedly greeting you left, right and centre and numerous social events…sorority life is undeniably fun.
There is a sense of being a part of something, even though I haven’t figured out exactly what that ‘something’ is yet. The girls in Zeta are so fun, loving and enthusiastic it is impossible not to feel welcome. We’ve had our first ‘Girls’ Night Out’ and have fraternized with a frat at a mixer.

Tuesday, however, was secret women’s business aka welcome/ formal pledging. Tuesday also so happened to be the day of Duke’s very first snow ‘storm’ since semester started. I ran squealing out of work to embrace the very soft falling flakes of snow, and whilst those from Florida and Arizona happily joined me, Chicago and New York sighed in exasperated amusement. North Carolina doesn’t really do snow…When your rehearsals are cancelled because of snow that melts before it even touches the ground, you know your state can’t handle snow.

Funnily enough it was bitterly cold as I made my way to pledging (freed from my rehearsals). It was a very unique, very traditional and ‘movie moment’ experience. I would like to tell you what we wore…but it’s a secret. I would like to tell you what we did….but that’s a secret. I would like to tell you what the room contained…but that’s a secret. And I would really love to tell you what we pledged to…but as you know…that’s a secret.

There’s no doubt that I have fully embraced sorority life already, and am looking forward to whatever it brings next …

Confession: I’m eyeing off all the Zeta branded clothing on campus…but shhh that’s a secret!

1 comment:

  1. Secret Womens Business indeed..the mind boggles! Keep your secret pledge to yourself as once a secret is loses all allure
