Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Until Tomorrow...

In less than 10 hours I will be flying away from Sydney and into my big adventure.

As I fly away I will be leaving my home of 18 years, my friends, my pets, the beach. I’ll be exchanging nasally accents, cuddly Koalas and Vegemite for Southern drawls, hungry bears and Poptarts. (Don’t worry guys; I have Vegemite stashed in my suitcase!)

The lead up to this moment has been enormous. Initial application to Robertson, short listing, interview, selection, SATs, Visa, bookings, organisation, packing, farewells, more packing...

I have to admit it all feels a little surreal. My bags are finally packed, my room looks quite bare, I’ve said goodbye to my friends and have squeezed my entire life into some bulging pieces of luggage. The next time I sleep in my room, it will be for a holiday, not a part of my everyday life. The next time I speak to my friends, it will be from the other side of the world. The next time I live in Australia, I will be 22 and a university graduate.

Yes, I am a little nervous, and a little sad to be leaving all that is dear to me here. My excitement, however, my sheer joy at having this opportunity dissipates any qualms I might have. I am going to have the most amazing four years of my young life, with memories that will last me forever.

And that all starts tomorrow.

After the 22 hour flights (yay :l )my first stop is New York City, and I am beyond excited! Having never been to NY (or even America for that matter) seeing the bustling streets and bright lights of the, “city that never sleeps”, has always been an aspiration. New York hotdogs, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Empire State Building, Greenwich village and humid weather await me!

Then to Durham for a very brief reconnaissance mission and onto the Carolina coast. Wilmington, Wrightsville and Southport are to be explored, with Southern cooking, shrimp and crab specialties to be devoured.

Upon my return from sand and surf I venture off to my Robertson NOLS camp. Gives me a chance to meet everyone, do some rafting and leadership training and ask dumb tourist questions (“Are there bears and will they eat me?”) before beginning move-in and O week!

It is only apt to begin such a life changing time, with an incredibly memorable first few weeks.

The Aussie girl is moving, moving forwards...to what hopes to be an incredibly exhilarating future. 

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