To my lovely readers,
The time has come to say goodbye to this blog and move on to a new one. It has been a pleasure these past two years writing here. I look back on my posts with fondness and appreciate everyone following my adventures. Much good has come of this blog; it has connected me to friends new and old and enabled me to chronicle my life in America. It also has enabled me to assist other Australian students looking to study in America.
Thanks, however, to my love of travel and the incredible
opportunities afforded to me by the Robertson program my world of adventure is
about to become much broader. I feel that this blog served its purpose
but can’t accurately reflect the next two years of my life or beyond.
I hope that those of you who started with me will continue
but I hope I reach some new people along the way. This new blog: is going to
chronicle all my travel adventures (including my upcoming semester in Madrid),
provide tips for fellow travels and hopefully encourage myself and others to
keep on exploring.
To the days of sore feet, glorious sights, overweight
luggage and new friends,
May we never become strangers.